Results for 'Beatriz Macías Gómez-Estern'

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  1. Cultural identity and emigration.Beatriz Macías Gómez Estern, Josué García Amián & José Antonio Sánchez Medina - 2008 - In B. van Oers (ed.), The Transformation of Learning: Advances in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press.
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    Literacy improves the comprehension of object relatives.Ewa Dąbrowska, Esther Pascual & Beatriz Macías Gómez-Estern - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):104958.
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    La Teoría de los Sentimientos de Agnes Heller en la Función de los Jueces.Gabriela Beatriz González Gómez & María De Lourdes González Chávez - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 26.
    El texto aquí desarrollado aborda los principios más generales del realismo sociológico escandinavo, en particular de la teoría de la función jurisdiccional y del interés de Alf Ross, que sostiene a la objetividad y subjetividad como parte integrante de la actividad del juzgador, contrastán..
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  4. La teoría de los sentimientos de Agnés Hêller en la función jurisdiccional de Alf Ross.Gabriela Beatriz González-Gómez & María De Lourdes González-Chávez - 2005 - A Parte Rei 42:7.
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  5. El juez en el pensamiento de J. Rawls y Alf Ross.Gabriela Beatriz González-Gómez & María Lourdes González Chávez - 2005 - A Parte Rei 40:8.
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    Rendimiento mnésico y ejecutivo de pacientes con Accidente Cerebrovascular: Estudio comparativo.Gloria Johana Montaña Mogollón, Karen Lorena Gómez Díaz & Elsa Fernanda Siabato Macías - 2018 - Enfoques (Misc.) 2 (2):30.
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    The embryonic cell lineage of Caenorhabditis elegans: A modern hieroglyph.Beatriz Sáenz-Narciso, Eva Gómez-Orte, Angelina Zheleva, Rafael Torres-Pérez & Juan Cabello - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (3):237-239.
    Graphical AbstractNowadays, in the Internet databases era, certain knowledge is being progressively lost. This knowledge, which we feel is essential and should be acquired through education, is the understanding of how the pioneer researchers faced major questions in their field and made their discoveries.
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    Children Coping, Contextual Risk and Their Interplay During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Spanish Case.Beatriz Domínguez-Álvarez, Laura López-Romero, Aimé Isdahl-Troye, Jose Antonio Gómez-Fraguela & Estrella Romero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of millions of people around the globe and some of the unprecedent emerged disruptions, are likely to have been particularly challenging for young children. Studying the impact of such extraordinary circumstances on their well-being is crucial to identify processes leading to risk and resilience. To better understand how Spanish children have adapted to the stressful disruptions resulting from the pandemic outbreak, we examined the effects of child coping and its interactions with contextual stressors (...)
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    Efficacy of a Combined Acceptance and Commitment Intervention to Improve Psychological Flexibility and Associated Symptoms in Cancer Patients: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.Francisco García-Torres, Ángel Gómez-Solís, Sebastián Rubio García, Rosario Castillo-Mayén, Verónica González Ruíz-Ruano, Eliana Moreno, Juan Antonio Moriana, Bárbara Luque-Salas, María José Jaén-Moreno, Fátima Cuadrado-Hidalgo, Mario Gálvez-Lara, Marcin Jablonski, Beatriz Rodríguez-Alonso & Enrique Aranda - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Psychological flexibility is a key concept of acceptation and commitment therapy. This factor has been linked with psychological wellbeing and associated factors, such as quality of life, in cancer patients. These and other positive results of acceptation and commitment therapy in cancer patients found in previous research could be enhanced by using mhealth tools. A three-arm randomized superiority clinical trial, with a pre-post-follow-up repeated measures intergroup design with a 1:1:1 allocation ratio is proposed. A hundred and twenty cancer patients will (...)
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    Control of developmental networks by Rac/Rho small GTPases: How cytoskeletal changes during embryogenesis are orchestrated.Beatriz Sáenz-Narciso, Eva Gómez-Orte, Angelina Zheleva, Irene Gastaca & Juan Cabello - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1246-1254.
    Small GTPases in the Rho family act as major nodes with functions beyond cytoskeletal rearrangements shaping the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo during development. These small GTPases are key signal transducers that integrate diverse developmental signals to produce a coordinated response in the cell. In C. elegans, the best studied members of these highly conserved Rho family small GTPases, RHO‐1/RhoA, CED‐10/Rac, and CDC‐42, are crucial in several cellular processes dealing with cytoskeletal reorganization. In this review, we update the functions described for the (...)
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    Beatriz Vitar. La pasión científica de un liberal romántico: Lorenzo Gómez Pardo y Ensenyat . 344 pp., figs., bibl. Madrid: Iberoamericana; Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert, 2007. €24. [REVIEW]Agustí Nieto-Galan - 2009 - Isis 100 (2):434-435.
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  12. Filosofía y poesía en Hölderlin.Gómez Toré & José Luis - 2009 - Endoxa 23:209-246.
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  13. Rigidity and essentiality.M. Gómez-Torrente - 2006 - Mind 115 (1):227--59.
    Is there a theoretically interesting notion that is a natural extension of the concept of rigidity to general terms? Such a notion ought to satisfy two Kripkean conditions. First, it must apply to typical general terms for natural kinds, stuffs, and phenomena, and fail to apply to most other general terms. Second, true 'identification sentences' (such as 'Cats are animals') containing general terms that the notion applies to must be necessary. I explore a natural extension of the notion of rigidity (...)
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    Use case cards: a use case reporting framework inspired by the European AI Act.Emilia Gómez, Sandra Baldassarri, David Fernández-Llorca & Isabelle Hupont - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-23.
    Despite recent efforts by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community to move towards standardised procedures for documenting models, methods, systems or datasets, there is currently no methodology focused on use cases aligned with the risk-based approach of the European AI Act (AI Act). In this paper, we propose a new framework for the documentation of use cases that we call use case cards, based on the use case modelling included in the Unified Markup Language (UML) standard. Unlike other documentation methodologies, we (...)
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  15. Tradició manuscrita i proés editorial del Liber de potentia, obiecto et actu de Ramon Llull.Núria Gómez Llauger - 2010 - Studia Lulliana 50:51-72.
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  16. Literaturas europeas de vanguardia, de Guillermo de Torre: maniobras de posicionamiento en la aventura estética de los años veinte.Adriana Abalo Gómez - 2024 - Arbor 200 (812):2704.
    En las páginas que siguen se realiza una lectura sociológica de Literaturas europeas de vanguardia, obra publicada por Guillermo de Torre en 1925, a fin de examinar sus tomas de posición en la nueva aventura estética que se abría en el campo literario español de los años veinte. Esta obra pone de manifiesto la destreza de Torre para construir una identidad propia y autolegitimarse en la nueva era estética mediante varias maniobras de posicionamiento. Primero, con una contundente respuesta a la (...)
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    Tecnologías emergentes aplicadas a las metodologías activas en al era de la inteligencia artificial.Carlota Gómez Herrera (ed.) - 2023 - Madrid: Dykinson.
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    Marginalia: The Literary Independence of Spanish America.Juan Guillermo Gomez Garcia - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (144):5-27.
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    The evolution of pretence: From intentional availability to intentional non-existence.Juan-Carlos Gómez - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (5):586-606.
    Abstract: I address the issue of how pretence emerged in evolution by reviewing the (mostly negative) evidence about pretend behaviour in non-human primates, and proposing a model of the type of information processing abilities that humans had to evolve in order to be able to pretend. Non-human primates do not typically pretend: there are just a few examples of potential pretend actions mostly produced by apes. The best, but still rare, examples are produced by so-called 'enculturated' apes (reared by humans) (...)
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  20.  32
    Are There Model-Theoretic Logical Truths that Are not Logically True?Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2008 - In Douglas Patterson (ed.), New essays on Tarski and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 340-368.
    Tarski implicitly postulated that a certain pre-theoretical concept of logical consequence and his technical concept of logical consequence are co-extensional. This chapter makes explicit a few theses about logical consequence or logical truth that sound Tarskian somehow, including one that most deserves the name ‘Tarski's Thesis’. Some of these theses are probably true or close to true but weaker than Tarski's. Some are false but stronger than Tarski's. Tarski's Thesis plausibly postulated that a sentence of a classical language possibly extended (...)
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    Narváez Cano, J. (2019). Hume y la causalidad. Problemas y soluciones. Editorial Universidad del Rosario.Sofía Beatriz Calvente - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 55:207-218.
    Hume y la causalidad contiene un análisis completo y detallado del abordaje de la causalidad en la filosofía de Hume. Tal como Jerónimo Narváez lo demuestra, la filosofía de Hume no desemboca en un callejón sin salida escéptico sino que nos orienta a la consideración de aspectos no racionales que intervienen en la formación de las creencias, hace un aporte a la complejización de la noción de conocimiento y brinda elementos normativos para la evaluación de los diversos tipos de creencias (...)
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    Is It Time to Phase Out the Use of All Nonhuman Primates in Invasive Research?Bernardo Aguilera & Javiera Perez Gomez - 2023 - In Erick Valdés & Juan Alberto Lecaros (eds.), Handbook of Bioethical Decisions. Volume I: Decisions at the Bench. Springer Verlag. pp. 591-606.
    The use of some nonhuman primates in invasive research—unlike that on animals more generally—has been severely restricted or banned in much of the world. This trend toward severe restrictions or bans raises the question: Has the time come to end invasive research with all primates? In this chapter, we offer an overview of the main ethical questions surrounding the use of primates in invasive research, evaluate some of the leading arguments in favor of and against such research, and propose some (...)
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    Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training and Moderate-Intensity Training on Stress, Depression, Anxiety, and Resilience in Healthy Adults During Coronavirus Disease 2019 Confinement: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Yolanda Borrega-Mouquinho, Jesús Sánchez-Gómez, Juan Pedro Fuentes-García, Daniel Collado-Mateo & Santos Villafaina - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: This study aimed to compare the effects of two intervention programs, high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity training, on anxiety, depression, stress, and resilience during the confinement caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 in healthy adults.Methods: A total of 67 adults who participated were randomly assigned to two groups: HIIT and MIT groups. The MIT group had to perform a home-based intervention based on aerobic exercises, whereas the HIIT group had to perform a home-based intervention based on HIIT exercises. The (...)
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    Zambrano’s poetic reason in the light of Frankfurtian Critical Theory.Beatriz Caballero Rodríguez - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (7):887-898.
    ABSTRACTMaría Zambrano's biggest contribution to intellectual history is, without a doubt, her poetic reason; her unique attempt to overcome the limiting coordinates of the framework of rationality established by the Enlightenment. Having spent forty-five years in exile, the relevance of this Republican thinker has only been acknowledged in recent decades. Since then, the political content of her early work, as well as her engagement with the Republic's cause prior to and during the Spanish Civil War are well known. Nevertheless, although (...)
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    Positron trapping mechanism in plastically deformed magnesium.J. del Río, C. Gómez & M. Ruano - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (5):535-549.
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    Sobre qué pasa con la doctrina social de la Iglesia.Francisco Javier Gomez Díez - 2021 - Relectiones 8:7-9.
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    Séneca cristão?Luis Martínez Gómez - 1966 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 22 (2):132 - 146.
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    The neglected historical and philosophical connection between José Ingenieros and Ralph Waldo Emerson.Manuela Alejandra Gomez - 2011 - In Gregory Fernando Pappas (ed.), Pragmatism in the Americas. Fordham University Press.
    This chapter explores the impact of Ralph Waldo Emerson on Latin American philosopher José Ingenieros. The chapter maintains that this impact is crucial because it aids in understanding and appreciating Ingenieros and his moral philosophy and it has never before been explored. However, for over a hundred years, this unique connection has been hiding a link between Latin American philosophy and American pragmatism.
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  29. La justicia procedimental imperfecta en la conciencia jurídica material del juzgador de Alf Ross.G. B. González Gómez & M. De L. González Chávez - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 23.
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    Análisis Conceptual y Reflexiones Sobre El Lenguaje Psicológico En El Wittgenstein Posterior Al Tractatus.Susana Gómez Gutiérrez - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 23:81-94.
    En este escrito, 1) hago una presentación del tipo de análisis conceptual quehace Wittgenstein en algunas obras posteriores al Tractaus; me refiero,específicamente, a una cierta manera de proceder que consiste en ladescripción de los diferentes usos de un concepto, y que tiene como finarrojar luz sobre las condiciones de funcionamiento de nuestro lenguaje para,así, llegar a la solución de un determinado problema filosófico. 2) Examinoalgunos pasajes de las Investigaciones en los que que Wittgenstein analizaconceptos psicológicos y señalo lo que considero (...)
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    Entre incienso y rimas, sacerdotes y poetas. Trazos de una espiritualidad Filosófica.Edward A. Posada Gómez - 2013 - Escritos 21 (46):203-222.
    El presente artículo es un ejercicio hermenéutico que pone en diálogo la filosofía y la teología a partir de la categoría de espiritualidad. Para tal fin asume el rol del poeta, figura crucial en la filosofía del último Heidegger, y lo identifica con el sacerdote, figura importante en la teología. Procediendo de este modo se concluye luego cómo el poeta y el sacerdote son los profetas de lo sagrado que contribuyen a una humanización de la tierra, superando cualquier intento cosificador (...)
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    Hannah Arendt. Política y filosofía.Antonio Gómez Ramos - 2024 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 26:7-15.
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  33. Compromiso con una noción de verdad.Mónica Gómez Salazar - 2006 - Astrolabio 3:61-73.
    Con base en el realismo interno de Putnam que admite una postura realista compatible con la relatividad conceptual, en este artículo expongo la necesidad de una noción de verdad epistémica y social. Esta noción de verdad nos permite inferir con suficiente seguridad que las razones con las que contamos son las mejores razones para asegurar que nuestras creencias, decisiones y políticas están restringidas por los límites que la Realidad impone y por tanto, hay altas probabilidades de que nuestras acciones sean (...)
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  34. Las Casas, Alonso de Sandoval ea defesa da escravidão negra.Juliana Beatriz Almeida De Souza - 2006 - Topoi 7 (12).
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  35. Otras valoraciones del paisaje: el excursionismo militar.Elia Canosa Zamora & Manuel Mollá Ruiz-Gómez - 2009 - In Eduardo Martínez de Pisón & Nicolás Ortega (eds.), Los valores del paisaje. Soria: Fundación Duques de Soria.
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    ¿Qué es la argumentación práctica?Julder Gómez - 2017 - Co-herencia 14 (27):215-243.
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    Classical Music Students’ Pre-performance Anxiety, Catastrophizing, and Bodily Complaints Vary by Age, Gender, and Instrument and Predict Self-Rated Performance Quality.Erinë Sokoli, Horst Hildebrandt & Patrick Gomez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:905680.
    Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a multifaceted phenomenon occurring on a continuum of severity. In this survey study, we investigated to what extent the affective (anxiety), cognitive (catastrophizing), and somatic (bodily complaints) components of MPA prior to solo performances vary as a function of age, gender, instrument group, musical experience, and practice as well as how these MPA components relate to self-rated change in performance quality from practice to public performance. The sample comprised 75 male and 111 female classical music (...)
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    Consideraciones éticas para el uso académico de sistemas de Inteligencia Artificial.Oscar-Yecid Aparicio-Gómez - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 4 (1):175-198.
    Este artículo explora las consideraciones éticas que rodean el uso de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la academia. Se establecen principios éticos generales para la IA en este ámbito, como la transparencia, la equidad, la responsabilidad, la privacidad y la integridad académica. En cuanto a la educación asistida por IA, se enfatiza la importancia de la accesibilidad, la no discriminación y la evaluación crítica de los resultados. Se recomienda que la IA se use para complementar y no para reemplazar la (...)
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    Syllabic rhythm and prior linguistic knowledge interact with individual differences to modulate phonological statistical learning.Ireri Gómez Varela, Joan Orpella, David Poeppel, Pablo Ripolles & M. Florencia Assaneo - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105737.
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    Remarks on Impure Quotation.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2005 - In Philippe de Brabanter (ed.), Hybrid Quotations. John Benjamins. pp. 129-151.
    Quotation marks are ambiguous, although the conventional rules that govern their different uses are similar in that they contain quantifications over quotable expressions. Pure uses are governed by a simple rule: by enclosing any expression within quotation marks one gets a singular term, the quotation, that stands for the enclosed expression. Impure uses are far less simple. In a series of uses the quotation marks conventionally indicate that (part of) the enclosed expression is a contextually appropriate version of expressions uttered (...)
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    The Heavy-Tailed Valence Hypothesis: The human capacity for vast variation in pleasure/pain and how to test it.Andrés Gómez-Emilsson & Chris Percy - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychology 14:1127221.
    Introduction: Wellbeing policy analysis is often criticized for requiring a cardinal interpretation of measurement scales, such as ranking happiness on an integer scale from 0-10. The commonly-used scales also implicitly constrain the human capacity for experience, typically that our most intense experiences can only be at most ten times more intense than our mildest experiences. This paper presents the alternative “heavy-tailed valence” (HTV) hypothesis: the notion that the accessible human capacity for emotional experiences of pleasure and pain spans a minimum (...)
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    Some Difficulties in Sacconi's View about Corporate Ethics.Pedro Francé-Gómez - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (2):165 - 180.
    Lorenzo Sacconi's The Social Contract of the Firm (Berlin, Springer, 2000) is a major contribution to the normative theory of the firm. It contains a full-fledged contractarian explanation of the role of Corporate Codes of Ethics. Sacconi proposes a game-theoretical model of the normative structure of the firm, including explicit and implicit contracts binding the members of the organisation, and the so-called constitutional contract: the hypothetical agreement that sets the basic co-operative structure in which the organisation consists. While Sacconi's theory (...)
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    La difícil empresa de traducir «Del sentimiento trágico de la vida». En torno a unas cartas inéditas entre Miguel de Unamuno y sus traductores.María Martín Gómez - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):1349-1370.
    Mientras que Miguel de Unamuno vivió, su libro Del sentimiento trágico de la vida fue traducido a siete idiomas. Esta circunstancia provocó que los traductores se dirigieran a su autor para comentar la obra así como para hacerle partícipe de algunos problemas que les iban surgiendo. El epistolario conservado entre Miguel de Unamuno y sus traductores nos ofrece así una fuente inestimable de conocimiento para comprender mejor la génesis y el alcance de la que, según Unamuno, fue su obra capital. (...)
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    Teaching Pathographies of Mental Illness.Nathan Carlin, Angela Gomez & Margarita Ortiz - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-9.
    This paper describes the content and evolution of a fourth-year course for medical students on teaching pathographies of mental illness. (It is a follow-up to Nathan Carlin’s Pathographies of Mental Illness that appeared as an Element in the Bioethics and Neuroethics series published by Cambridge University Press.) The course originally centered on classic (and some contemporary) memoirs; however, responding to student evaluations, newer material now ensures more diversity, with material written by women and people of color, and describes the difference (...)
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    La abducción en el razonamiento médico.Cristina Barés Gómez & Matthieu Fontaine - 2023 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 17 (32):12-45.
    Al acercarnos al razonamiento médico debemos tener en cuenta no sólo el razonamiento clínico, sino también el razonamiento del médico en el ámbito de las investigaciones biomédicas. Además, el razonamiento clínico involucra no sólo el diagnostico, sino también la terapia, la monitorización y aspectos más generales de la investigación médica como procesos fundamentales. En todos estos casos tenemos esquemas inferenciales que pasan de la introducción de hipótesis abductivas, a la predicción deductiva de las consecuencias y la comprobación inductiva mediante pruebas (...)
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    Strategies for the Semi-Automatic Retrieval of Metaphorical Terms.José Manuel Ureña Gómez-Moreno & Pamela Faber - 2010 - Metaphor and Symbol 26 (1):23-52.
    This article proposes a method for the semi-automatic extraction of resemblance metaphor terms from a manually annotated corpus of marine biology texts in English and Spanish. The corpus was first searched for target domain terms as well as for lexical markers indicative of metaphors. The combination of these search strategies for metaphor extraction resulted in a set of English-Spanish term pairs. After analysing and comparing these metaphor candidates, a quantitative analysis provided comparative statistical data regarding marine biology metaphor. Finally, the (...)
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    liturgia en san Isidoro de Sevilla: compositor, legislador y teólogo.Luis Rueda Gómez - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (1):145-192.
    El artículo trata sobre la labor litúrgica del insigne Arzobispo de Sevilla san Isidoro. Se contextualiza su trabajo en la metodología usada y en el periodo histórico-evolutivo de la Liturgia Hispánica. Se exponen los textos que se le han atribuido tanto por criterios externos como por criterios internos. Se analizan los cánones de los Concilios en que participó: particularmente el Concilio II de Sevilla y el Concilio IV de Toledo. También se estudian las disposiciones litúrgicas de las Reglas para los (...)
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    Plato on the Political Role of Poetry: the Expulsion of the Traditional Poets and the Reform of Poetry.Laura Liliana Gomez - 2016 - Praxis Filosófica 43:37-56.
    Platón realiza dos críticas a la poesía imitativa en la República. En laprimera, establecida en los libros II y III, Platón parece criticar suavementela poesía prohibiendo solamente una parte de la poesía imitativa. La segundacrítica, desarrollada en el libro X, parece establecer una crítica más drásticaa la poesía imitativa que elimina la posibilidad de cualquier tipo de poesíaimitativa en la polis. Se han propuesto muchas interpretaciones diferentespara explicar este aparente conflicto. Defenderé la interpretación clásicade Tate, de acuerdo con la cual (...)
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    La función social de la metafísica popular: una mirada desde la filosofía de Arthur Schopenhauer.Julián Andrés Escobar Gómez - 2022 - Revista Disertaciones 11 (1):53-72.
    En este texto vamos a analizar el concepto de “Metafísica Popular” en los escritos menores de Schopenhauer. Según este autor, aquél concepto reemplaza al de religión. Así pues, para el presente artículo es necesario plantear el interrogante ¿por qué la religión se considera, en la obra de Schopenhaer, como metafísica? ¿y por qué es denominada popular? De este modo, el análisis a realizar estribará en responder a ese interrogante, procurando dar una lectura actual a este problema latente en la época (...)
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    Discapacidad y reconocimiento: reflexiones desde el prisma de Axel Honneth.Paulina Morales Aguilera & Beatriz Vallés González - 2013 - Dilemata 13:189-208.
    The sphere of disability can be treated nowadays from different perspectives that answer to multidimensional of this embodied reality. In this context, a privileged area of reflection is constituted by ethics and, inside of this, as this text propose, the prism of the reciprocal recognition. To achieve this, this present article is structured in two parts. The first, regarding to the understanding of disability from different models. The second, according to the recognition perspective approach of Honneth, and its link with (...)
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